Sunday, October 30, 2011


I know, I'm not too good with keeping up with this blog.
*did I say that right?*
I feel weird...
Like I can't focus on the words on this screen.
I'm texting with my BESTFRIEND EVAAAA Skye!!! *a flurry of little PINK hearts!*
I misss herrrrrr.......
I havn't seen her in FOREVER because she company at her house for a couple weeks and wants to spend
time with them instead, which is okay, it's her family, they come first.
So today is the day before Halloween.
Hrrmph Hrrrmph.
Who's dressing up as what?  I'm going to a be a Kirby.  That's right. Like a boss.
I'm going trick-or-treating with my brother his wife, and their son.  Landon, their son is going to dress up like an indian.  I've already seen his costume.  It is adorable. 
So this weekend, I've been at my "Adopted Grandparent's" house for a sleepover.  They have me over ever now and then and this time is what my grandfathers birthday, How 'bout them apples!
We went to a Harvest Supper at the church and I learned how to make 45 Minute Tangliari (I'm not sure if I spelt that right) from my grandmother.  On saturday (the 29th, Snibb's [My grandfathers nickname] birthday) we went to Reny's and hiked a mountain, it wasn't a very long hike, maybe a half a mile up and half a mile down (Maybe not even that).  At Reny's I got a pair of pajama bottoms and a winter hat that is wool and matches my navy blue peacoat.  On saturday night, my tummy got real happy at the church supper.  When we left the supper, the snow was starting up, it was realy hard to see the road in some places.  It was nice and wintery/cozy being in the car, safe from the cold and snow.  I snuggled on the couch with the dog in my new pajamas, and Snibb and my grandmother (I'm protecting identities) soon joined the dog and I.  We watched a show on the Food channel called Halloween Wars.  It is basically a baking show, nothing spesh.  But the things they made turned out to be so incredible!  They used cake, moulding chocolate, pulled sugar, cake, and A LOT more.  They make some amazing things there.  I was happy to see the team that I wanted to win, won.  Team Bling Bats.  They were just so creative, and they had a fantastic pumpkin carver, and they worked together so seamlessly that everything they made, even if it didn't seem like it would turn out good, just looked perfect.
So we watched Halloween Wars and then the power went off in the last episode of the one contest!  The one where they name the winner!  Fortunatly, they own a generator, and we turned it on long enough to finish the show, turn all the lights and things off (so that if the power came back on at night we wouldn't have all these things on and waking us up!  The generator went off and up we went to bed with our flashlights.  I slept upstairs in my room and they recently moved their room downstairs, so they (clearly) slept downstairs!  On our beds we use heated blankets, but when the power went out, yikes.  Doesn't look like we can use the heated blanket!  So we broke out extra blankets, and got under the covers.
In the morning, I woke up and I looked at the clock... Hmmph, I'm up too early, Huh wait, what? The clock is working!  The power was back on!  I got up and went downstairs for breakfest.  We had gotten eleven inches of snow!  I was pleased, but Snibb was not.  He did not like snow.  I had breakfest and watched the news with Harvey, we decided not to go to church because the roads were not too good.  So I hung around the house watching TV, playing with the dog.  Looking at pictures.  The usual bored stuff.  Snibb went out to plow the snow with the snow plow (duh) and I slumped down in a chair.  Regretting my decision to NOT bring snowpants.  The dog put its front legs on my lap and looked sincerly into my eyes.
"I think Lily needs to go Out"
I got my heavy-duty sweatpants on over my pajamas, then my peacoat over a sweatshirt, and my new hat.  I had brought boots that were pretty rugged, they could take a beating.  I trudged throught the snow, braving a harsh winter storm (haha OWLCITY<3).  I carried Lily to the garage (it's all open, and all dirt) and she did her business in there.  Then Snibb took care of Lily's business.
I didn't care how cold it was, I jumped in the snow with my sweatpants and pajamas.  Surprisingly, the sweatpants held off the snow and my pajamas were not even wet.  I built a little snowman, and headed inside for some dessert :)
Later we had breakfest for lunch (tradition) and we the roads were good enough for me to go home at the planned time.  It was hard saying good-bye but I'll see them again soon!
Until next time KPeers.

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